Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Thanks to Laura...and Conway Days too!

Laura was the winner of our REMEMBER frame that we put in the Silent Auction for Stephanie and Christian Nielsen. If you get a chance, pop over to her blog and check out the frame with the beautiful photo that she's chosen to display in the frame.

When I made this frame, this was exactly what I envisioned for it. A beautiful photo of a loved one(s)...a photo that would help us to "REMEMBER" the ones that we've loved and lost.

Thank you Laura, for sharing this with us.

This Saturday is the annual Conway Days Festival at Conway United Methodist Church. We'll be there from 9 till 3 with our frames and other stuff on display and for sale. So, if you're in the Orlando area, stop by and say hello.

Till next time!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Finally, we're on ETSY!!!

We finally got a few things up in the Etsy store this weekend. Not everything is there, but there are a few things to look at. Some that you may have already seen on the blog, others that might be new. Check things out when you get a chance!!


Oh, and we've added a special thing on the sidebar too. So, just click our link over there and you'll get to us too!

Till next time!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Nie Recovery Silent Auction

Stephanie Nielson is a fellow crafter and blogger. Recently, she and her husband Christian, were in a horrible plane crash that has left both of them in the burn unit at Maricopa Hospital in Arizona. They have four small children waiting for Mommy and Daddy to get home again but the road to recovery will be a long one.

Kim, at Today's Creative Blog, is featuring a silent auction on her site to benefit Stephanie and Christian.(this link has been included for you to read more about Stephanie and Christian)

Along with many other talented crafters, Sumpin Else has joined this cause and has donated the REMEMBER frame for this auction.Bidding has started on this and many other beautiful items.

Please take a moment to stop by Today's Creative Blog and bid on something to benefit Stephanie and Christian Nielson. A donation button has also been added to the right side of our blog for those that would like to make a donation without bidding on an auction item.

Thank you.

designed by sharnee